Thursday, February 20, 2014: In a plank position counting to 30 seconds, looking around our first team circle of the new season and seeing a dozen new faces together with many more familiar ones, I am completely blown away by how lucky Rachel and I are to be here in this moment. And then, after practice, Lydia asks me to run another half mile with her because she's concerned about her distance that day and I'm even more grateful for Students Run and its presence in my life.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014: I was so angry about work today that I was actually worried about being around children or anyone for that matter but two quick hugs from returning runners returned me to a better place and made me so grateful! And it wasn't even that cold today!
Thursday, February 27, 2014: Today's workout (a partnered .75 loop x 2) made me think that maybe (just maybe) Rachel and I are starting to figure this leader/practice thing out. There were consistent high-fives, no runners left alone, a lot of motivation and every kid sitting on the steps waiting for the last to arrive; we were so very proud of them!
Saturday, March 1, 2014: The kickoff event in 3 words: cold, quiet & cold. But, despite all of that...I was so grateful for the strong presence from Team Meredith, running a mile with Mrs. Tilli AND all of the hugs from our kids.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014: We had to cancel practice today due to snow/ice on the ground and a 3PM temperature of 21 degrees! Today I vowed to remind the kids (and myself) of this long, cold winter at our hottest practices in August! #globalwarminglives
Thursday, March 6, 2014: After our first timed mile of the season, I'm completely blown away by the improvement from last season to this season. Kids that were beginning last season at 9:00 and 10:00 minute miles started this season at 7:00's and 8:00's!
Tuesday, March 11, 2014: "Oh hello, Spring and 65 degrees, where have you been and how long are you staying?" was running through my head during our 2 mile run today! Afterward, comforting a student about knee pain and, well, something bigger, and watching a good, hard cry pass through her, I realized all over again that this isn't about running at all.
Thursday, March 13, 2014: Cancelled despite the protestation of a lot of the kids: 27 degrees at 3PM plus a windchill. This Winter has gone above and beyond - bring on 80 degrees and sunny!
Saturday, March 15, 2014: We opened our first Saturday practice at Lloyd hall with mild temps, high fives, a little drizzle, and three miles on the Loop. We ended this practice with stretches, hugs and a lot of smiles!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014: A warmer (almost) Spring day with Mrs. Tilli back in our circle and all of the kids excited for a new route greeted us this afternoon! I remain ever grateful for these reminders that there is more to life than billing clients and court appearances!
Thursday, March 20, 2014: A sinus infection sidelined me today and has me hydrating my butt off to get back out there on Saturday! Mrs. Tilli came to practice today and, honestly, like the amazing friend and mom she is, saves the day again!
Saturday, March 22, 2014: Our first bridge run of the season with all leaders on board! The kids were brave and mastered the incline so well I think we'll do the entire bridge soon!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014: Rachel and I are both fighting through colds, kids, pets, work, families and deadlines today. Thank god for these kids and those 2.5 miles of peace.
Thursday, March 27, 2014: Today proves that kids will do anything for cupcakes! They will hold a plank for over five minutes (Jess); they will bang out 30+ push-ups in 60 seconds (Evan); they will hold a wall squat for over 3 minutes (Emily); they will play red light/green light no matter their grade; they will do lunges for the length of a basketball court; and they will heartily team up and relay race against each other until their legs can't move!
Friday, March 28, 2014: By far one of the most amazing experiences I've had as a leader was getting the invite to watch her get ready for the prom. I felt like part of the family!
Saturday, March 29, 2014: Five miles in the rain on the Loop was met with a very huddled and happy team eating breakfast together post-run in the little cafe that I still can't remember the name of. Sometimes the best times with this team are those that are unplanned and wet!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014: Three miles with tired kids adjusting to warmer weather and sunshine on their runs...after running out of Court in the middle of a trial just to get there on time. So worth it.
Thursday, April 3, 2014: A timed 1.5 mile run and relays afterward - thank god I remembered to get the cookies! What's a relay without a prize?
Saturday, April 5, 2014: Running laps around the School District Building this morning with other teams and supported by parents and teachers made me feel like a part of something bigger - an even greater community than just Students Run. I really hope the kids understand that just by showing up today we got school funding back on the radar of those directing what the news is and what it's not.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014: Seriously hoping that a few bad attitudes at practice didn't ruin it for the kids that are really trying! As always, I find myself grateful for those kids that show up, try hard, smile often and lead by example.
Thursday, April 10, 2014: Nothing will ever compare to the look on a kid's face when she exceeds even her own expectations. Rachel and I were over the moon to watch Lauren tough out her run today and absolutely dominate 3 miles; gone is the nervous kid and in her place is a ruddy, strong runner.
Saturday, April 12, 2014: Today our team had it's first race! At 8AM they set out to enjoy the Generation Run 5k at the same time I took a deep breath, thought of their faces and hit the road running at the Garden Spot Village Marathon!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014: Practice cancelled due to a typhoon. Stupid April Showers.
Thursday, April 17, 2014: This was our first weekday bridge run and it was scheduled AT THE REQUEST of our kids! The best part of the entire week, by far, was the looks on the faces of those kids as they came down from the bridge after crushing it!
Saturday, April 19, 2014: The confidence continues: kids in every grade, every shape and every level of athletic ability set out with all of our leaders on deck for our first Loop run of the season (for time) to qualify for the Broad Street Run. The weather and the attitudes were awesome with smiles and sun shining the entire time.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014: Practice cancelled (again) due to rain. Really missing the stretching and conversations today.
Thursday, April 24, 2014: We are back at it with a few bad attitudes after a hard day at school. Two miles felt long overdue and somehow a perfect twenty minute distraction.
Saturday, April 26, 2014: BSR Qualifier Round Two: I started two of our kids early today at 7AM and got them qualified just in time to catch up to another group of kids on their final loop and well on their way [2 x 5th to Race to Broad to Christian to School] to qualifying themselves for Broad Street! At the end of a 12 mile day for the leaders, there were the expected cheers mixed with a few very disappointed faces and some tears at our Cups-n-Chairs team breakfast; but all in all, it was a unifying and confidence building 3 hours.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014: Off...rain. Stupid, stupid April.
Thursday, May 1, 2014: We said, "one mile shakeout run" to them at practice today while they were stretching and the reaction was such that you would have thought we bought each one of them a puppy! I'm loving their collective hype at the lead-up to the Broad Street Run.
Saturday, May 3, 2014: Another team pasta party was well attended by parents and kids and WAY too much food! After all of the bibs, shirts, packets, and shoes had been given out, the individual goals read aloud, advice from the older kids espoused, and rounds of hugs shared, it was time to say goodbye and head out with the BSR finish line in our sights!
Sunday, May 4, 2014: BROAD STREET RUN #5: If this race taught me anything it's definitely that this will never, ever get old. "This" being standing with 25 other members of Team Meredith jumping around to "Feet, don't fail me now....feet don't fail me now!" gearing up with each other for each other - as a team.
Tuesday, May 6, 2014: Two miles and our first John's Water Ice of the season to celebrate a successful Broad Street Run and the first 70 degree day of the Spring. The icing on this cake: the students turned away from their phones and back into little kids when they got their ice cream/water ice!
Thursday, May 8, 2014: Three miles without a single complaint! Some kids did the course backwards and loved it so Rachel and I are going to consider that as an option in the future.
Saturday, May 10, 2014: I had to miss this practice but ended up seeing a few kids on their way to the school while I was out with Charlie. I can't even begin to put into words what this team has done for my sense of well-being and commitment within my own community; I truly loved yelling at them to get their butts to practice!
Tuesday, May 13, 2014: This was our first very hot/humid day and, consequently, a pretty rough run for our kids. But, the best thing about it was that they came through it and did not let the challenge of it defeat them; I don't know if I had that quality in me as a 7th grader but I see it every day in these kids.
Thursday, May 15, 2014: I'm sick as a dog but delighted by the kids' reaction to Rachel putting them through drills instead of a run. They love being tortured as much as she loves torturing them and, honestly, watching the girls compete for 3+ minute planks and 8+ minute wall sits is beyond inspiring!
Saturday, May 17, 2014: Still sick and so sad I'm missing our kids compete at the Philadelphia Bar Run! Thank god Rhea was able to ride the bus with them on the way over and Jess never ceases to amaze me with the way she operates on zero sleep - always showing up for this team (absolute chills about it)!
Tuesday, May 20, 2014: No practice today because school is closed for Election Day.
Thursday, May 22, 2014: Mrs. Tilli is at practice today and the kids are going nuts about it! And...because we were both tired, we ended up doing our "End of the Blue Season Timed Mile" which resulted in the most amazing feeling a leader with this organization could have: complete awe at how hard the kids worked and how far they came when we reviewed the results and found entire minutes (1.5, 3, and in one case 4 minutes) coming off of the times from the first week of practice!
Saturday, May 24, 2014: No practice today for Memorial Day Weekend! Too bad, it's a beautiful day.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014: Mrs. Tilli is definitely the "good cop" on this team. But she's also the smart cop - way too hot to do 3 miles today so we knocked it back to 2 miles and did them as out and backs to Locust so the kids could see each other and high five - bonus!
Thursday, May 29, 2014: No practice today in honor of the 8th Grade Class Trip! But, I ran over to the "We Run Philly Schools, not Corbett and the SRC" protest and ran a few laps around the School District Building to support all of my teacher friends and our kids!
Saturday, May 31, 2014: I hope I never know a time when Lloyd Hall on a Saturday morning feels like anything but a family reunion complete with hugs from other coaches, parents wishing happy runs for their kids, happy babies in strollers, running dogs and a lot of easy moments. Today, on a personal level, was a struggle through 5 miles on the heals of a long run yesterday and an amazing, albeit impromptu, team breakfast on the patio by the cafe that I will forever think of as "home base."
Tuesday, June 3, 2014: No practice - rain, again!
Thursday, June 5, 2014: I'm running in Hilton Head, SC today and thinking of what I'm missing back at Meredith...and then a few texts come in from kids asking (1) for rides to the Students Run roller skating party; (2) what time the party started; (3) whether they needed to bring money to the party; and, my favorite, (4) what to wear to the party. With that, I'm still feeling like part of the bigger, badder running team that is MEREDITH.
Saturday, June 7, 2014: Saturday practices have been suspended until July 12th and, as I sit here lamenting that decision and missing the kids, this text: "Hey Jen! Is there practice today - what should I run?" from my fave marathoner. And just like that, my face lit up and my shoes went on to run with her even though we were hundreds of miles apart.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014: Stuck in Charlotte and missing practice. However, I loved yelling at the kids that cut practice today as I got out of the taxi. #neighborhoodlove
Thursday June, 12, 2014: Rachel truly nailed practice today (and helped us avoid getting soaked) with a ridiculous crossfit workout followed by some good old fashioned dodge ball in the gym; all of this made me come to terms with the fact that while I may be a decent athlete, I am no match for the epic skills of 7th grade boys when it comes to dodge ball. And I owe one special member of my team a cupcake...for knocking Rachel out of the game! #teamweloveicing
Saturday, June 14, 2014: Ran 15 alone today...and counting down the days until Saturday mornings are once again filled with warm-ups, laughing at Jess and running with our team. Also, reflecting on all of the coaches that wrote in my 8th grade yearbook and how those words lead me through the harder, uncertain times that followed and hoping that, as I sign this round of 8th grade yearbooks, I am as thoughtful and relatable as my coaches were.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014: The LAST practice of the Blue Season: .5 Miles and water ice! And just like that the rising 8th graders are already taking charge of this team - time truly flies!
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 at 9:30AM: Meredith Elementary's 8th Grade Graduation. As this season was a gift, so too was my seat in this super hot auditorium on a random Wednesday in June. Like most of my more significant memories from middle school, this graduation involved an unlit auditorium with fans whirling, a slide show of baby pictures juxtaposed with recent pictures of the grads all set to 10,000 Maniacs' "These are the Days," and a tangible line that the 8th graders were all about to cross with courage, effort and respect.
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