Sunday, August 14, 2011

And I thought the comeback was the hard part...

Marathon Training Week Two:
5 mornings that began at 4:30AM;
guilt over a lost hills workout;
hydration to the point of broken sleep;
3 times in the gym lifting and stretching;
a welcome home party for two-a-day workouts;
26 miles, 17 outside and 9, just recently, all at once, on a treadmill;
an aching hamstring (deep and subtle, not when running);
1 Extend Barre Pilates class; and
no wine to take the edge off of a bad day.

That said, on Rest Day Eve (Friday), after a run perfect from sunrise to to the uphills, I felt beaten.  Not beaten in the sports massage way either - this was more of a baseball bat to the quads, hamstrings and core kind of beaten.  Looking at "Week 2" and realizing there are twelve more to go was a game changer.  And so, for as hard as I've worked to get back, I've come to realize that now the real grit of the journey takes hold.  I'm hanging on to the side of a mountain, making the decision to keep going.  Up. Over. And through.

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