Saturday, April 16, 2011

Running through it.

Two hot showers, a lot of R[peas&carrots]CE, 20 minutes on the StairMaster followed by 20 minutes on the elliptical and an absurd amount of stretching, my left ankle is still feeling every step of the painless 8 miles I put down yesterday. 

Oddly enough, exactly where my Dr. pressed his thumb not more than 2 weeks ago, on the inner curve of my left ankle just below the joint, causing me to flash that pain-free smile, is where there now exists a hurtful little achy bump.  Which reminds me; time to make that 6-week appointment I was so sure I wouldn't need but thanked him kindly for anyway.

This kind of irony exists in injury.  Good thing I'm not injured.  Whether it is my gloriously cushioned running shoes or my Super(happy)Feet inserts, runs are still pain free.  For the aftermath, the Tylenol and anti-inflammatory patches, peas&carrots and fuzzy slippers will just have to do.  It may be just a product of my attitude, but that's fine.  Attitude is a part of a person's will and running is fueled by the strongest of those. 

With the Broad Street run 15 short days away and two more long runs to push through, this ache may or may not subside, but I can't dwell on that uncertainty.  I have 6 months of workouts and a training schedule that started with "Run 5 blocks and see how it feels" taped to my wall.  Resting is not an option with gameday so close.

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